Characteristics of a Good Racing Homer Pigeon
Choose a Racing homer pigeon who has eyes the color of clear and clean It is very important to note, because eye color is clear and clean a lot of play on pigeon flying. My personal experience is clear and clean eye view makes it easy when we remove pigeons from the height of the air, when going back to our cage.
Another thing to consider is the shape of the head, the head of a good pigeon is shaped aerodynamically, such as head shape fighter, is also a very important role during homing pigeon flew facilitate wind that must be resisted while in the air carrier pigeon.
Another thing that is also a good characteristic of a homing pigeon is a homing instinct of the bird, a bird that has a good homing instinct, usually a bit wild, even to the owner who used to feed the racing homer pigeon. This can be seen when we hold the pigeon is then there is movement to liberate ourselves from the grip of our hands.
A good pigeon will never feel at home elsewhere, if we buy a racing homer pigeon who is not from our cage, but after so long maintained then released would not run the place their home cage, the pigeon is very feasible for disposal. Never breed a pigeon like this. Because only spend time and money. Choose a homing pigeon that has good instincts.
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